Convert website visitors to prospects/customers
Get better return on your paid and organic traffic
Capture relevant information for generating quote upfront
Integrate with your existing applications like CRM, AMS and Email marketing software etc
It’s a web-based chatbot which will reside on your website. Your customers will be able to share information via chat based interaction.
This provides a chat kind of interaction which user prefer nowadays. It is easy to fill on mobile platform. Other forms generally have outdated design and they don’t convert well. Most of the latest insurtech startups use this (chatform) kind of interaction to generate leads.
Cost depends on amount of customization required for your business and volume of traffic per month. You can setup an appointment with us to figure out how much will it cost you.
Yes it can connect with your existing applications like CRM or email automation software as long as your app provides a way to integrate .
Yes we can configure any question you want to ask your customers. Once customer responds all queries you will get an email notification or will push data to any of your existing application.